CrossFit, Exercise, Fitness, Injuries

High Intensity Training for Middle Age People–Pro or Con

Just a quick note on my article in the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Sideline Report.  We debate on the Pro and Con of HIT for Middle aged people.  Of course, I was the "Pro" argument.  My feelings are that if people enjoy it, is safe, and effective, why the heck not? Here's… Continue reading High Intensity Training for Middle Age People–Pro or Con

CrossFit, Exercise, Injuries

CrossFit Injuries Part II- Shoulder

Shoulder Injuries in CrossFit Introduction In order to diagnose and direct management of a CrossFit athlete with a shoulder injury, the clinician must have an understanding of typical CrossFit movements. CrossFit include numerous exercises that involve the shoulder joint. Overhead squats, snatches, push presses, thrusters, and push jerks are common movements that place load on… Continue reading CrossFit Injuries Part II- Shoulder

CrossFit, Exercise, Fitness, Patients, Running

Running after Injury-Changing to Forefoot Running

From my previous post, we are beginning to understand that just changing the shoes does not make you automatically run in a forefoot strike. The shoes may help, but in reality, barefoot running will naturally push you into a forefoot strike as we are not designed to run on our heel (calcaneus). So if you… Continue reading Running after Injury-Changing to Forefoot Running